Category Archives: Other Equip

Chapter 10 – Other Equipment

Chapter 10 Other Equipment is a catch-all chapter that has never been considered very important. That perception is changing as 90.1 attempts to reduce the “non-regulated” energy uses in buildings. Chapter 10 has always covered the requirements for electric motors. The minimum efficiency requirement tables for motors are located here and they are a good reference,. However,  motor requirements are really set by the federal government and we are just adopting them here.

In 2010, we added section 10.4.2 Service Water Pressure Booster Systems which included requirements for the pumps that boost the domestic water from street pressure to the pressure required to serve the most remote plumbing fixture in the building. These pumps are not required for all buildings, but when city water pressure is not high enough, they must be installed. 90.1 requires these pumping systems to be either staged multiple pumps or variable speed to respond to pressure sensors installed near the most hydraulically remote fixture or control logic that accomplishes the same thing. The pumps must also be off when there is no demand for domestic water.

Also, in 2010, the first requirements for elevators were added. The elevator industry does not have a standard efficiency-testing program. We are encouraging them to develop a standard rating unit of measure so that we can set minimum standards. In the meantime, section 10.4.3 requires elevators to have a lighting efficacy of 35 lumins/watt. If ventilation fans are used, the power uses must not exceed 0.33 watts/cfm, and the lighting and fan must go off if the elevator is unoccupied with doors closed for more than 15 minutes.

In 2013, we added requirements for escalators and moving walkways in 10.4.4.  The requirement is for them to slow to the minimum allowed speed when not conveying passengers. I saw these in Japan a couple of years ago. The things have sensors and speed up as you approach.

There are also new requirements for Whole-Building Energy Monitoring in 2013. These go along with the new requirements for sub-metering in the power section. So we would not be seen to be picking on electric energy, we are requiring whole building energy monitors for other fuels serving buildings or plants that serve new buildings. These fuels include natural gas, fuel oil, propane, steam, and chilled water. They must be measured at 1 hour intervals at a minimum. I think this is a little too much for a minimum standard since the gas is cheap right now and the gas use is normally for heat and hot water and can be broken out much more easily than the electric use. The requirement is for buildings over 25,000 sq. ft. or tenant spaces over 10,000 sq. ft. The monitored data must be stored for a minimum of 3 years, the same as the electric metering requirements. Metering is not required for fuels used in emergency power equipment.

As you apply the electric metering, sub-metering, and these requirements, I  suggest that you use a common interval period. I use 15 minute data for my reports and, having everything at the same interval, including trended control points, makes parsing the data much easier. Be careful about collecting the data in too small intervals because you have to look at it for it to do you any good. You can always change the intervals if you are chasing a problem.

Opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of ASHRAE or the 90.1 committee.